Monday, February 25, 2008

Kitchen Renovation #1

Well, started tearing the ceiling out of the kitchen last night in hopes of raising the roof back to the original height.

9 feet.

This meant me on a ladder.
This meant me with a hammer.
This meant me with a prybar.
This meant me with a razor knife.

Sounds like good ingredients for a bloodletting.
Nothing but a small paper cut. Damn. I mean good.

Pictures later.


Ally said...

Well I seem to remember ME on a ladder too and ME helping with EVERY piece of drywall that was pulled off the ceiling and walls. I didn't realize that this was a one man job. Huh, I guess I'm the new invisible woman.

All fun aside, we made alot of progress on OUR project. tonight WE cleaned up the mess and put it all in MY truck so I could take it to the dump to save HIM some money. We decided to pull up some yukky carpt too, had to fill that backend up didn't WE?

Unknown said...

Apparently HER is unhappy. Soory, there was no intentional shunning implied. none of this could be done without HER.

orry, Ally.

Tony "the big fat loser" said...

Yes, we all know that your Superhero name would be "the masked procrastinator", so it's a good thing Ally is there to keep you on task!!