The chicken coop is done and occupied! Yippee!! The house no longer smells like chickens and the noise level has reduced dramatically too. I helped a little on the coop when the weather was tolerable, but Michael had the vision and perseverance. The chickens actually started venturing out of their little hatch last week. I think they are finally feeling at home since he put up the fence around it to keep the dog out. He thought it was a giant dog house with friends inside. HAHA!

Speaking of the dog..he got beautified yesterday! He is so clean, looks great and you can tell he knows it! It was funny though that when Mike found out I was taking him there, he thought it was ridiculous, but when we went to pick him up he wasn't about to let me hold the leash as he wanted full credit for the wonderful dog! Typical man! Here are pictures of our clean white ball of fluff!
I also thought everyone would like an updated baby picture of Lightening! She is filling out quite nicely and thrives on the attention of all. She likes getting her lovins in the evening, or just about any time you're around. Mama is to her left and Lilly is never far behind.